Election Information
Tuesday, May 21, 2024
How Can I Vote?
Voter Registration Requirements
Must be a U.S. Citizen
Must be 18 years of age by Election Day
Must be a legal resident of Idaho and your County 30 days prior to an election
Must not have any legal disqualifications
Register to Vote
Before Friday, April 21, 2023
Open Voter Registration for the May 16th election will close on Friday, April 21st. Before this date, you can register or update your registration online at voteidaho.gov or by filling out a paper form at the Kootenai County Elections Department (1808 N 3rd Street, Coeur d'Alene, ID).
After April 21, 2023
Voters can register and vote at the same time using a photo ID and Proof of Residency that is dated February 11th or earlier.
Use your phone
When can I vote?
You can vote in person on the scheduled election day (May 16, 2023) at the elections office or your assigned polling location.
You can early vote in person. Early voting runs from May 1 to May 12, 2023, Monday - Friday, 8 am to 5 pm.
You can request an absentee ballot. The last day/time to request an absentee ballot is 11 days prior to an election by 5 p.m. Your ballot must be received by the Elections Department by Election Day at 8 p.m.
Help Foster Election Integrity
Volunteer to be a Poll Worker
Kootenai County conducts up to four elections each year. Poll Workers are vital to the elections process. On Election Day, poll workers work with voters, helping them register to vote, checking their identification, handing out ballots and monitoring the ballot box. Poll Workers are also responsible for accurately keeping track of who has voted and for the safe transfer of voted ballots to the Elections Office. Other Poll Worker duties include:
Setting up and closing down polling places
Ensuring each vote is private
Maintaining a neutral and unbiased polling place environment
Contacting the Elections Office with any questions prior to or on Election Day
Poll workers attend one to two training session prior to an election day. Elections can be held in March, May, August and November. ​
Poll Workers earn compensation for training and working a full day at the polls on Election Day.